Online Hackathon with AI-powered ideation platform

In these turbulent times, with an unprecedented amount of employees working remotely, we are offering our 4-week program tailored for businesses to find feasible solutions to any problem. We will be using our AI-powered ideation platform to spur engagement with your ecosystem of employees, customers, and suppliers. By using the most sophisticated methods, we will turn any ideas into viable innovation.

How Does Our Online Hackathon work?

  • Identify up to 3 real issues you want to solve.
  • Recruit a diverse group of internal and external people to engage.
  • We will set up a communication plan on how to drive online engagement.
  • We will set up a fully customized web landing page.
  • We will launch an online ideation campaign for getting ideas in.
  • By using non-linear ideation, we will identify patterns from many distinct ideas to form clusters, re-iterate the campaign from the cluster so big ideas can emerge.
  • Together, we will use the big ideas and run online hackathon to test the ideas.
  • In 4 weeks, there will be 3-5 vetted big ideas that can solve your problems.

Sign Up Now!

Price: AUD $25,000 + GST

(250 – 2,000 participants per company)

Offer valid until

30th April 2020